Thursday, 21 June 2007

Trying to Find Siamese Dream by the Smashing Pumpkins

Well I wanted to post about the fact that I regard Siamese Dream by the Smashing Pumpkins as one of my all time favourite albums..

Short of directing you to use Bit Torrent (ooooh cheeky) The best I could find was this MP3 Blog:

125 albums you should own

Shame about the MP3 quality :-/, but even so - regard it as a taster and then download high quality copies of the stuff that floats your boat! (ahem - i mean get yourself onto the highstreet and buy a CD of course!!)

Looks like a lot of people are still buying albums, well thats cool to be honest - because I for one have no idea how the music industry is going to continue paying its executives to socialise on a full time schedule and make a very respectable living out of it.. god damn they might end up having to sit behind a computer all day and do some actual work like the rest of us...

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